Walking in the Supernatural.

-Umeh Writes
4 min readFeb 13, 2021


There’s a realm called the supernatural, a real where glorious things happens. A real superior to he natural. So many people are not living in this realm thus missing out in what it holds. Let’s talk about the assurance that the supernatural occurs, supernatural occurrences in the bible, reasons, limitations and how we can effectively walk in the supernatural!

But what is this supernatural?

Supernatural, as the name sounds is whatever happens that is superior to the natural. It is an entity or event that cannot be explained by science, or beyond the scope of the laws of nature.

What is the Assurance of Supernatural?

1. The Word: The book of Philippians 4;13 says “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengthens me. Mathew 19:26 “But Jesus looked at them and said “with man this is impossible, but with God ALL THINGS are possible”. Now I’m always particular about repetitions in the bible. Notice how it is said ALL THINGS and not some things? If we can o all things with God, then there is nothing we can’t do…it means Impossible is Nothing!

The book of John 1:12 says But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become sons of God. Acts 1:8 says But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you”. That means to tap into the Supernatural, we need to do it through God, and to do that, we need to claim the power that comes with being sons of God. And to do that, you need to BE the son(child) of God!

2. Another Assurance we have of the supernatural happening is supernatural occurrences we have experienced in our lives and people, as well as Supernatural occurrences in the bible.

Let’s look at a few supernatural occurrences in the bible:

- God’s creation of the world. Genesis 1.

- Moses and the burning bush. Exodus 3;1–15.

- The systematic plagues of Egypt. Exodus 7.

- Parting of the Red Sea Exodus 14:21–29

- Manna is provided for the children of Israel to eat. Exodus 16:14–15

- Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still for a whole day! Joshua 10:12–14

- Samson (A man who walked in the supernatural, the superman of his time) slayed over 1,000 philistines using the jawbone of a donkey Judges 15:14–17, tears down the city gate etc.

- Elijah prays and rain does not fall for 3 and half years (1Kings17:1), and then prays again and it rains 1Kings 18:41–46. Fire from heaven consumes the sacrifice of Elijah on Mount Carmel 1Kings 18:17–38, Elijah s fed by raven. Elijah is fed by the Angel of God 1Kings 19;5–8.

- Elisha who took a double portion of the anointing of Elijah even did times two of what Elijah did. HE parted the waters of Jordan and walks on dry ground. Even in his death he still had the supernatural abilities, that when a dead man was put in his grave and touched his bones, he came back alive! 2Kings 13:20–21.

- Our Master Jesus Christ did so many supernatural things like the healing the woman with an issue of blood Luke 8:43–48, feeding of the 5,000, walking on the sea John 6:19, and his resurrection!

Things you need for the Supernatural to Occur:

1. Faith: Just like Mathew 17:20 says, if we have faith like a mustard seed we can move mountains. Literally speaking, It is very possible to walk in the supernatural if you have abundant fait like in Hebrews 11.

2. The Word: There is a word for every situation, a bible passage that speaks life for that condition. Use it to speak the supernatural into existing in the natural!

3. Prayer and fasting: A good example is in the story in Mathew 17, where the disciples were not able to cast out the demon. And when Jesus came he did it with ease. And when they asked him why they couldn’t, he answered them in verse 17 saying “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”. Therefore, to go into the realm of the supernatural, we may need to suffer the flesh by fasting, so we can access the things of the spirit which is i the supernatural!

Reasons for Supernatural Occurrences:

1. To boost our faith.

2. For God to fight for us and destroy our enemies, like he did with Samson, and Joshua where the sun and mood stood still so their enemies will be destroyed!

3. For divine provision and help. Like God provided Manna for the children of Israel, fed Elijah via raven and Angels, parting of the red sea, etc.

4. Fulfilment of God’s word. Some of the word of God cannot be fulfilled by natural occurrences, so he uses supernatural events to fulfil his word!

Limitations to Supernatural.

Sin: This is the major limitation to the supernatural occurring, especially since it’s the father of lies, disobedience, backbiting etc. In order not to limit the supernatural, we need to avoid sin!

How to walk in the Supernatural:

- Be born again: Being born again gives us access to the supernatural powers that comes with being the sons of God.

- Walk in the Spirit: John 4:24 says God is Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit. Therefore walking in Spirit means we walk in the Supernatural!

- Pray and Fast and ask God for the Supernatural.

- By following the writings in The Word.

- By desiring the Supernatural.

Conclusion: Now we do not just know what the supernatural is, we also now that it exists as people have walked in that path, even from our own personal experiences we can testify to that.

We also know that Sin limits it, and we are aware that we need to be born again and walk in the spirit, in order to access the powers of the supernatural that comes with being the sons of God. Let us therefore do what we ought to do, so as not to live an ordinary life, but to walk in the Supernatural!

By Ogadi Augustine Umeh (UmehWrites).



-Umeh Writes
-Umeh Writes

Written by -Umeh Writes

I aspire to touch lives with my bleeding pen. Inquiries - umehwrites@gmail.com

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