Prayer of a Carnal Man
In my confused state of mind, I sent a prayer to heaven and wonder if God heard me.
Canal man, are you spiritual enough to send a message that will pierce the sky, bypass principalities in high places and transcend from earth to the 7th heaven?
In my canal state, I have lost the powers I posses and no longer see things from the 12th insight. Rather, I have become a victim of chance and circumstance, having exchanged my powers for the canal gift that cones with submitting to the Desires of the FLESH.
I know the way that leads back to the right path, and even though the spirit is willing to go there, my flesh is weak to take a bold step. And even when I look back, agents of darkness have tricked my sight to only see darkness at the end of the tunnel.
Now I live like the beast of the earth, wandering to and fro with no direction, no plan, and absolutely no vision.
Now I question things I already know the answer, just to have a base to hold on to, in my unending circle of confusion.
Now I wonder if I even Believe my Beliefs?
I wonder why the evil succeed but the good die young?
I wonder if one can trick karma to forget its purpose, so it can oppress the good and favor the bad?
I wonder maybe what goes around always loses it’s focus and refuse to come back around?
These questions echo back at me, and I can’t help but wonder what is the explanation for the imbalance in nature?
I need to find the answer to this life puzzle. But no carnal man can ever follow the path of truth, and come back the same.
So as I hang on to my broken anchor, and as the waves of the sea try to sink my broken ship, I look up to the heavens where my help has always come from and cry….. Save me Abba Father!!!!!!!!