Hope in a sinking ship by UmehWrites.
I feel like the captain of a sinking ship,
Struggling to stay afloat but I keep dragging the ship to the oceans deep.
I feel Ike this ship is rigged to sink,
Like there is nothing I can do to stop the fate of the titanic.
I feel Ike I’ve written this same poem a thousand times,
Same structure , different words but the pain still rhymes.
I feel Ike I should stop trying to save the ship and right my wrongs,
I should save myself first to avoid salt water getting into my lungs.
But I’m too attached to this ship to let go.
My priorities should be of things above,
But I was so distracted hat I changed my goals.
A captain never abandons his ship,
So it’s either I drown or seek divine help from his lordship.
Will the fate if the rigged sinking ship follow me forever?
Do I give in to the devils scheme or scream Abba Father?
Then I remember who I am.
I am the son of the I AM THAT I AM.
My God is the one who never fails,
He is in the fire and the water, he is the ancient of days!
He is the one who walks on water and floats on dry land,
He divided the Red Sea and made the sea as dry land.
So I pick up my prayer line and call my Father,
And he picks up because he neither sleeps nor slumber.
So here I am, navigating a ship haunted by vultures,
And then I look up and sight a land with green pastures,
A land flowing with milk and honey and beautiful robes,
And from my sinking ship I found…hope!